Motherhood journey & birth story continued • •
I am deeply grateful for my midwife and my birth team. I am grateful for Ponca that has been by my side every step of the way every single day and night. My companion, my angel, the light of my life.
And I know I was born for this.
Things don’t always look the way we dream of, envision, or think we are manifesting, but that doesn’t mean it’s not the most meant-to-be magical thing to exist . When we manifest things- we have to release them fully to the universe, surrender to the organic flow of life, and detach from outcomes. Things can manifest in their own ways and forms, in their own timing, and completely different than what we thought or predicted.
And I know that life puts me through these massive initiations so that I can show up even more fully in this life and help others even more. I always emerge from the mud and find beauty in everything and it’s the most painful and rewarding medicine of this life.
I have had so many women reach out to me in this experience, & tell me they took a different decision because they were terrified to do it alone, didn’t have the partner they wanted for this experience and that made it not acceptable, allowed that person to tell them what to do with their bodies and thought they had authority over that, so they made a decision they didn’t want to make, felt threatened by society and afraid to do what felt right for them, & wished they had the courage at that time to stand in their full power & claim their autonomy & sovereignty over their own bodies, because now they feel traumatized from that in the aftermath and don’t know how to forgive themselves for it.
So if anything I can offer will help other women feel empowered to go for it even if they are on their own~ if that’s what they feel strongly in their hearts is the right thing for them and for this soul that has planted themselves inside of their bodies & wombs, then so it is !
Whatever you choose for you and that soul is perfect. Completely perfect and there’s no shame in it.
You are the only one to make this choice once that baby is inside YOUR temple. You are MOTHER no matter what.