Learn About The Rose Medicine Archetypes & Codes
Red Rose
Passion, true love, romance, desire, respect, wildness, red road of life, rooted, blood of the earth, unleashed, vulnerability, rawness, sensuous nature, intimacy, aphrodisiac, commitment, a pledge to the heart, gratitude & unconditional love.
It is associated with the Goddess of love Aphrodite. Her tears and her lovers blood watered the ground from where the red roses grew. Aphrodite was the Olympian goddess of love, beauty, desire, pleasure, sex and procreation. She was depicted as the most beautiful woman & most desirable deity, often accompanied by the winged godling Eros (Love). Her attributes included a sacred bird such as the dove, sparrow or swan, an apple, scallop shell, mirror, and rose. Aphrodite was associated with the brightest planet, Venus. She was also the protectress of city magistrates. This beauty is not only best known for her stunning aesthetic, but she was also a fierce & powerful immortal deity, capable of stirring up romance among gods and mortals.
The red rose is also directly connected to Mary Magdalene and calling in her supreme medicine and channelings; to embody the true feminine principal and re-wire your DNA to reconnect with this ancient information and frequency. You will be able to access the rites of your womb, temple-body & sacred power— your birth right in this life—not what society has buried for hundreds of years and tried to keep you from accessing.
Working with the red rose medicine & codes help you to learn your true strength through grace. Step into your true sacred feminine essence. Access the infinite potential that exists inside of you. Train your mind and your body to be fully in control and fully empowered. Deep dive into your holy wild wholeness. Unleash your wild nature dissolving all fear that is holding you back in your life. Take control and step back into full sovereignty. Access your primal intuition, your ultimate super power. Learn to move energy & step into em-body-ment. Harvest your own medicine within. Heal your trauma and utilize your wounds as sacred tools of power. Foster a deeper connection with all of your cycles, seasons and rhythms, awakening your primordial wisdom. Heal your womb. Step into your full sensuous nature. Cultivate your life force energy to achieve anything you desire.
Reclaim your QUEEN.
Yellow Rose
Friendship, true connection, joy, nurture, warmth, delight, gladness, affection, love, peace, intellect, harmony, reciprocity, strength, sacred power, identity, solar energy, fire element, enlightenment, knowledge, self worth, boundaries, & primordial wisdom.
It is associated with the goddess Alectrona, the Goddess of Sun and Morning. Alectrona (also known as Electryone or Electryo) was the primordial Greek goddess of the Sun. She is the governess of man's waking sense. She provides ascension of the mind, enlightenment, being lifted onto a higher plane and ability to govern greater common sense when asked. She is a powerful ally for those who want to start a journey of knowledge and learning. It is thought that she might have also been the goddess of morning or ‘waking from slumber’. Some believed wholeheartedly that she was the cause of men waking from their sleep every morning. Her father was HELIOS, Titan lord of the sun (and the patron god of the Island of Rhodes), and her mother was Rhode (or Rhodos), a nymph from the same island. The name ‘Electryone’ means ‘amber, shining, iridescent’, a fitting name for a goddess of the sun and morning.
Working with the yellow rose medicine & codes aids to those to express an unselfish service to society. Helps you to achieve high goals and execute & support your manifestations to come all the way through into reality & full fruition. Opens the doorway to true empowerment. “ Love isn’t love until you give it away.” Helps to freely & easily give & receive love in your life through any relation. Helps to dissolve jealousy, low self worth & all negative frequencies that you hold onto deep within your womb. Brings you back into the divine remembrance of who you truly are. Welcoming you back to YOU. It holds solar energy straight from the sun bringing forth optimism, ancient wisdom & power into your body and life. The fire element ignites gold in your sacred center. Full alchemical activation within you. The presence of spirit within you. Shining light on your holiness, divine nature, royalty, & majesty that you truly are and always have been. Bringing in that fire & purification process for you to release all that no longer serves you and shed your old skins- revealing luminous gold silken dew as your true reflection. Feeling the healing power of spirit through you. The golden yellow flame ignites, bringing wisdom out of the source of all things. Bringing your life into harmony and AYNI . It strengthens this relation of reciprocity in all areas of your life. Helps facilitate better communication with the power of your words and expressions. Offers voice & root voice activation. Helps you to alchemize through emotional healing & shadows, & bring it into golden light reaping its benefits.
These golden codes bring prayer and practice to open deeper into the feminine GOLD that awaits you.
White Rose
Mirror reflection, radiant beauty, luminosity, inner child, innocence, purity, maternal nature, mother medicine, the sacred mother, light, magic, angelic realms, priestess energy, true healing, abundance, sacredness, great mystery, empathic, oracle, shaman, transformation, shapeshifter, stillness, pure energy, water & wind element, devotion, responsibility, softness, clarity, wholeness, forgiveness, kindness, compassion, new beginnings, & rebirth.
It is associated with the goddess Isis. Isis is the ancient Egyptian goddess of magic, fertility, motherhood, death, healing and rebirth. She is the first daughter of Geb (the god of the Earth) and Nut (the goddess of the sky) born on the first day of the first years of creation. She is revered as the mother-goddess by representing the maternal spirit in its purest form. She is the divine life giver. She is honored as the great mother of one of the most powerful gods, Horus. She is believed to be the mother of all pharaohs and ultimately, of the whole country of Egypt itself. She assimilated the role of Hathor and depicted nursing the child Horus. She is also revered because she afforded the Egyptians the knowledge of cultivation and the benefits of the Nile River. In fact, it is believed that the annual inundation of the Nile was Isis’ tears because of her husband’s death preceded by the appearance of the star Sept (Sirius) in the sky. Isis is known as the quintessential goddess because every symbol and goddess name always had a connection to her. She is a terrestrial, water and air goddess rolled into one. She was considered as the complete female from which all life form sprung.
When working with the spirit of the white rose medicine & codes, you are taught that the imprints or pain that we carry in our womb and the womb of the earth, can be softened when we bring the blessings and medicine of this rose to our cente. It brings you the keys to the path of transformation & illumination. We have been taught to heal ourselves by fixing it. We cover up the symptom, thus sometimes bypassing our own selves from the true remedy. We feel that we have achieved the healing because we cannot see it any longer, until it emerges again. Implementing this work with the white rose is the process of healing that soothes, anchors and grounds the unraveling. Holding us strong. The white Rose is NOT TRYING TO FIX anything, she is just embracing what is already there. Letting us know the love that nurtures our wounds with patience, showing the root and all patterns that grew from that place. It alchemizes & entrains our system to the frequency of love, and shows us how to continue loving, embodying and blossoming. The White Rose is here to bring us the illumination to our being. The alchemy of this rose will uncover unique medicine for each of us. It helps us to claim those parts of ourselves that we might not want to see, acknowledge or reveal. It helps us navigate the shadow and bring light into all crevices of our being. It’s helps us soften into our pain and find beauty in everything. Within our own experience we unveil how the magic works within. Realizing our receptivity to the love that is flowing all around us as a source of healing. It works with the mother wound. The White Rose is illumination related to the throat and root chakra, connected to those that often feel challenged staying in negative thought patterns, over burdened by responsibility. This is the caregiver archetype, as a person highly receptive and empathic, that has received many challenging experiences in life from this. It can sometimes become imbalanced by over extending, losing oneself, and giving away power in relationships and work, from lack of awareness of how to connect to one’s original essence. The White Rose helps to restore the connection to the inner child through regressions, transforming past experiences of trauma, to clearly see the illumination of the situation & find inner peace. It inspires you to illuminate in life from being rooted in who you are. It is an initiation into becoming FULLY YOU.
This work is for the oracles & wounded healers whom have become empowered by your own pain transformed into beauty.
This is the divine mother frequency.
Pick a rose that you feel called to work with and choose a product such as a sacred anointing oil, womb or temple-body oil, smokes, or an Egyptian flower holy water with your special rose customization.