Motherhood journey & birth story continued • •
I have always wanted to be a mother and have experienced much dis-ease & illness in my womb~ pretty much everything on the list that would prevent me from being fertile or have the opportunity of motherhood in this lifetime, or at least create a grand challenge in this realm.
I have surpassed so many obstacles and experienced such agony in my womb, that I felt quite hopeless and also confused that after all that healing, I was going through this pain and experience all these years later.
Something interesting to note, is that days prior to the ceremony when tuning into my intentions and what I would love to receive guidance, clarity, and healing with, was my relation to motherhood.
Specifically exploring the parts of me that maybe did not want to be a mother. Now this may sound strange, so let me explain.
Although I felt consciously and within every cell of my being that ALL PARTS of me deeply wanted to be a mother, something very profound streamed through my consciousness and was shown to me, which was ~ that if it had not manifested already, then there must be parts of me yet to explore that maybe did not want this, and those were the parts preventing me from manifesting it into my life. ( Merely just an exploration & adventure within to embark on).
So I decided to take a journey into those parts and greet those parts of me that maybe did not want it, feared it or whatever that may be. Because clearly it existed within me, and I did not want to see it. So maybe, for something to truly manifest, all needed to be in alignment, all parts seen, felt and acknowledged, & thus~ that is the reality I would create as a result.
Well…. it did… LITERALLY.
To be continued • • •