Womb Tonic | Yoni Steam

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Womb Tonic | Yoni Steam



Using the wisdom of plant medicine to heal our cycles and our womb.

Tone uterus, reproductive organs, and urinary tract, combat infection, alleviate cramping, soothe inflammation, dissolve scar tissue, increase circulation and energy flow, and open pores of the pelvic tissues to nourish & heal.

This modality is recommended for fertility / infertility, painful/ irregular menstrual cycle, post-partum, post-miscarriage, post-DNC, fibriods & ovarian cysts, endometriosis, pelvic pain, vaginal infection, & more.

Ingredients: Organic sustainably harvested flowers & herbs of Egyptian rose, rasberry leaf, motherwort, lavender, chamomile, juniper berries. 

Direction | It is important when working with plants, that you build a relationship with them. You can do this by asking the plants and the water to help you in all of the ways you are wanting to heal at that time.

  • 1 tablespoon dry herbs placed into a pot of luke warm water.

  • If possible, let sit in the moon light overnight, imbuing the water and plants with the moon light, with your prayers and intentions allowing the herbs and water to aborb each other and this frequency.

  • The following day, bring the herbs and water to a simmer and cover for 20 minutes.

  • Set up your steam space and make sure you are comfortable, relaxed and without distractions.

  • Place your steam pot under a slotted chair, step stool with slot, lawn chair, or steam stool. ( If you don’t have this option, you can kneel over your pot or bowl being mindful not to burn yourself in your sacred lady parts). 

  • Remove your clothes from the waste down and sit on your designated seat over the steaming herbs.

  • Drape your lower body with a towel or blanket that wrap all the way around to ensure the steam is contained.

  • Be very careful not to burn yourself and your sacred lady parts- this should feel pleasant.

  • Sit over the steam for 15-20 minutes

  • Enjoy this loving and nurturing time you have set aside for yourself.

  • When finished, release the flowers, herbs & water back to the earth- holding a space in your heart of gratitude and giving thanks to pachamama for her support in your healing.

    All products are free of parabens, phthalates, heavy metals, propelyne & butelyne glycol, PEGs, sulfates and synthetics.

    100 % Organic | Non Toxic | Cruelty Free | Sustainable | Born From Mother Earth

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