Ceremonial Smudgers
Ceremonial Smudgers
By purchasing one of these magical cleansing companions, you are supporting a greater cause; one in the name of healing. Each soul expression that is brought into this physical realm is composed of energetically clear, sustainably & ethically sourced medicines.
Before its arrival to you a cleansing and charging ceremony took place; clearing any stagnant energies. As well as imbuing your personal companion with the highest of intentions for the understanding of self, & the collective evolution.
Below are the meanings & symbolisms to plant the seeds in your own personal exploration and self discovery. I invite you to open yourself to the sweet underlying symbolisms and divine interconnectedness. May the light and love within radiate inside out.
Morning Dove Medicine |
This spirit guide mourning dove requests that you remain peaceful and as calm as possible during any present transitions. The Mourning dove requests that you laugh often and get out as much as possible or go within as much as possible. The Mourning Dove’s message is, “ This too, shall pass.” This messenger is symbolic of providence. Know that your prayers are being heard and answered. Although the white dove is regarded as a universal symbol of peace in the world, the mourning dove also represents the same. In some cultures, the mourning dove stands for new beginnings, great expectations, and as a spiritual messenger. The roles of these birds may include helping us to find inner peace and go about our lives calmly and with purpose.
Deer Medicine |
Helps us to listen to the wisdom of the Higher Self all while showing you the easiest path along life’s journey. Deer symbolizes tenderness tempered with strength. Deer also comes as a playmate for our inner child reminding us of innocent times where the smallest flower provided a smile and excitement.
Mink Medicine |
Mink shows how to walk in the spiritual and physical world with joy and playfulness along with a balance of fighting for just cause. He teaches attention to intuition and timing, keen senses, awareness and how to move in the emotional waters balanced with the mental world. Mink aids in understanding the nocturnal realm of dreams, visions and hidden knowledge. He will teach how to remain within, a quiet solitude of personal space for contemplation. Are you completing a life cycle, something that you started long ago? Mink will aid in this returning with understanding and compassion. Perhaps you are ready for a move? Mink will also guide in this direction.
Clear Quartz |
Known as the "master healer", amplifies energy & thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. It aids in warding away negative energy of all kinds, neutralising background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations.
Smudging involves the burning of one or more medicines gathered from Mother Earth. Smudging has been passed down from generation to generation. Smudging allows people to stop, slow down, & become mindful and centered. This allows people to remember, connect and be grounded in the event, task or purpose at hand. It allows us to let go of all negativities that are not serving us in that moment. It enables us to find softness in the present and safety of being held by Madre.
Smudging is the way of cleansing oneself.
The act of clearing the air, mind, spirit & emotions may be accomplished with this cleansing companion.
Direction |
Use this cleansing companion on its own or with the smoke of sage, palo santo, copal or any smudging plants, herbs or resins of Mother Earth, to clear & sweep energy, cleanse & purify your personal or another’s aura & luminous energy field, and utilize the element of the wind & feather medicine.
May your prayers be carried to dance in the wind and may the animal medicine help you to remember your connection to Pachamama and all of your relations, so that you may live in harmony, and walk in beauty upon this wild earth.